Admin: Drill Down Feature is Now Available in G2 Report Preview

Performance & Usability

Drill-down capabilities added on G2 report screens.

On any G2 Reports screens in any module, a drill-down section has been added to allow Users to pull up: Accounts Payable Invoices, Accounts Receivable Invoices, Claims, General Ledger Accounts, General Ledger Transactions, Inventory Units, Purchase Orders and Work Orders by their number.

If the User has sufficient Security, they will be able to view and even edit the item retrieved. This will be useful and convenient for researching certain items shown on the various reports.

This feature is only available to G2 Users.

To Try the Drill Down Feature on a Report Screen, users will need to be signed into G2.

In G2 Parts> Parts Reports, notice that the lower center section of any G2 Reports screen has a new section. Use the dropdown arrow on the right to select one of the Types of items offered, then enter that item’s ID number, and the location (if multiple locations exist), then click on the Run Drill Down button to display the item selected.

Drill Down Feature -1


The appropriate screen should appear showing more details of the item selected.

Drill Down Feature -2


When the detail screen is closed, the User is returned back to the Reports screen.

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