New! Fast and Simple Way to Get your IDS Data Organized

Duplicate Data MergeAre you tired of dealing with duplicate customer records and cluttered data in your IDS system? Wouldn’t it be nice to have all of your customer data merged and cleaned?

Inaccurate or incomplete customer data often hampers sales, service and marketing performance. Since many of you have expressed the need to have your data cleaned, we’re introducing our new Duplicate Customer Merge Service. This service will help get your customer records under control and save you time and headaches down the road. 

Our New Duplicate Customer Merge Service: 

– Accurately detects and corrects duplicate data to ensure consistency in customer records.

– Runs after business hours to minimize disruption to your summer business routine.

– Requires no extra work on your part! You manage the dealership while we get your data in order.

Call your account manager today to discuss our special summer pricing for this new service.

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