How many units do you sell annually?

200 units

What’s your % of Towable to Motorized in Units?

70 %

What’s your total number of employees?

50 people

How much do you charge per hour for labor?

$120 per hour

Feeling excited and want to further tweak our assumptions to fit your dealership needs?

Feel free to adjust
these numbers!

These numbers change
automatically based on
your metrics above.

Money Makers Your Improvement IDS Customer Benchmark
Annual Return
Floorplan Cost Reduction 0.05
Improved Tech Productivity 0.02
Increased Per RO Labory 0.04
Administrative Time Reduction 0.05
Closing Ratio Improvement 0.05 0.05
Improved Per Vehicle Retail (PVR) 50 50
Warranty Reimbursement Increase 0.01 0.01
Parts Obsolescence 0.1 0.1
Your total savings:

Your Savings:

Your business could save: annually and $360,000 in 5 years !

Want to get your break even analysis ?

The investment for a complete dealer management solution can vary widely, and there is really no short cut to determining what the cost will be for your company.

We don’t want to offer you anything that won’t benefit your business, so we will work with you to determine the most appropriate solution for your dealership!

Tell us about your business, and a DMS expert will contact you shortly to provide you a Free ROI analysis on a dealer management software solution that includes all upfront investment costs, monthly maintenance and of course your savings – all in one document.


This online calculator is provided only for illustrative purposes of potential return on investment. The information obtained by using this online calculator does not constitute legal or financial advice. INTEGRATED DEALER SYSTEMS DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING FROM THE USE OF THIS ONLINE CALCULATOR.

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